Set Your Platform Language

Change the default language of the MOOCit platform for you and your learners.

MOOCit LMS + Studio are currently available in English, French, Spanish and German.

When learners connect for the first time, their language will automatically be in the language of your invitation.

You can change the language from MOOCit Studio, or from the LMS.

Learners can change their language settings from the LMS > Account Menu.

Change the Language from Studio

From anywhere in MOOCit Studio, in the header menu, select the drop down menu to change the platform language.

Once you change the language, it will automatically be changed as well in Learner View.

Change the Language from Learner View

Sign in to the LMS at using your usual login details. Select the arrow ⬇️ beside your username, and select 'Account'.

On the Basic Account Information page, under Language select the arrow to open the drop down menu.

Choose your desired language.

Select an area outside of the drop down menu, and you will see the spinning wheel the word saving.

Your LMS will automatically change to the chosen language.

What properties change when we change the language?

By changing the platform language, all of the platform menu options, page titles, etc will appear in the new language. However, changing the language does not change the language of the content you create ie Course Title, Section, Subsection, Unit Titles, Component text, About page, etc.

Here is an example of a course I created in English, and afterwards, I changed the platform to French. The green indicates my content (in English), red indicates MOOCit platform properties in French.

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