Configuration of Badges

In this article, we cover how to reward learners with badges in your online course.

The configuration of badges is an advanced feature, do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance. Ready to enter the matrix? 😂

Step 1: Configure Badges in Advanced Settings

To activate badges in your course, you must configure a set of elements in the advanced course settings.

  1. From Studio Home, select the desired course to enter the Course Outline

  2. Select Settings > Advanced Settings

  3. Find the property 'Other Course Settings'

  4. Copy / paste the code below into the text box.

  5. Save the modifications

    "share_on_linkedin": "true",
    "badges": [
            "assignment_type": "Quiz 1",
            "min_score": "70",
            "image": "fire_badge.png",
            "badge_name": "Name of Quiz 1 badge"
            "assignment_type": "Quiz 2",
            "min_score": "70",
            "image": "diamond_badge.png",
            "badge_name": "Name of Quiz 2 badge"
            "assignment_type": "Final Exam",
            "min_score": "50",
            "image": "rockstar_badge.png",
            "badge_name": "Name of Final Exam badge"
    "share_on_facebook": "true"

Step 2: Configure Badges in the Course Grading Menu

Below are the instructions for your badge configuration.

  • From Course Outline select Settings > Grading

  • Select New Assignment Type

  • Add the name of the assignment_type (previously configured in Settings > Advanced Settings > Other Course Settings ) for which the badge will refer.

In the code you copy & pasted from Step 1, we used "Quiz 1", "Quiz 2", and "Final Exam".

If you want to change name of the assignment type, you will need to go back to Settings > Advanced Setting > Other Course Settings and modify it in the code.

  • min_score: Refers to the minimum score required of the learner to obtain the badge. If you have several assignments of the same type, this is the average for the type of assignment configured inassignment_type. For example, you could configure multiple assignments / quizzes to be graded as 'Quiz 1', and the learner would achieve the badge after having completed all those assignments / quizzes and achieving an average of at least the 'minimum score'.

  • image: This is the name for the image of the badge. You can upload your badge images in Content > Files & Uploads. Avoid special characters and spaces in image file names. Make sure the name of your images match the image names in your 'badge code'.

  • badge_name: This is the name of the badge as it will be visible to learners of your course.

  • share_on_facebook : true or false to activate sharing of the badge on Facebook

  • share_on_linkedin : true or false to activate sharing of the badge on LinkedIn

To add a badge, simply copy and paste all the elements between the braces { assignment_type... }, and separating each group with a comma.

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