Course Pacing and Schedule
Determine the start/end dates and whether your course is self-paced or instructor-paced.
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Determine the start/end dates and whether your course is self-paced or instructor-paced.
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Course Pacing and Course Schedule can be accessed from from Settings > Schedule & Details page.
Instructor-paced courses progress at the pace that the course author sets. You set release dates for content and due dates for assignments, and assignment due dates are visible in the LMS. Learners cannot access course content before its release date, and learners must complete assignments by their due dates.
Self-paced courses, learners can access all course materials when the course begins, and assignments do not have due dates. You do not have the option to set release dates for course content or due dates for assignments. The LMS shows indicators for graded assignments but no due dates. Learners can complete course material at any time before the course end date.
If the course is instructor paced, you can manage release dates of course subsections by selecting the configuration icon from the Course Outline page. Self paced courses will not have this option.
The start and end dates you set for your course are important for prospective and current learners. Current learners see your course start or end date on their dashboards. You should consider your course dates carefully.
The course start date and time specify when learners can access published course content. By default, the course start date and time are set to 01/01/2030 at 00:00 UTC to ensure that your course does not start before you intend it to.
Although learners cannot access any part of your course before the course start date, course team members who are enrolled in the course and who have the staff, admin, or beta tester role can see published content in the course before the course start date. For information about testing your course content before the course start date, see Beta Testing a Course.
The course end date and time specify when learners can no longer earn credit toward certificates. Learners can continue to complete available coursework, but cannot earn credit after the course ends. Learners who have earned certificates can view the certificates soon after the course end date.
In self-paced courses, course teams can make certain course components unavailable based on the course end date. For example, course teams can make a final exam unavailable after the end date for a self-paced course - for more information see Hide a Subsection after Due Date.
As soon as enrollment starts, prospective learners can see your course in the course catalog, view the course About page, and enroll in the course.
The enrollment start date and time specify when learners can start to enroll in the course. Ensure that the enrollment start date is early enough to allow learners to both enroll in and prepare for the course.
The enrollment end date and time specify when learners can no longer enroll in the course. Ensure that the enrollment end date is late enough to allow learners adequate time to enroll. The enrollment end date cannot be later than the course end date.