Using Randomized Content Blocks
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Randomized content blocks are used to show random problem components to learners - these are typically used to create randomized assignments. The goal of using randomized content blocks is to show different problems (at random) to each individual learner.
The problem components that appear in a randomized content block are picked (randomly) from a content library.
You can create your content library from Studio Home and add as many problem components as you want.
You can specify the type of problem components that will be displayed within the Randomized content block (I.e. only multiple choice questions, only drop down list questions, or all question types).
You can also specify the amount of problem components you wish to be displayed in the randomized content block.
The first step is to create you content library with all of the possible components that can appear in your randomized content block.
1.1) From MOOCit Studio Home Select '+ New Library'
1.2) Fill in your new library details ensuring to use your designated organization name. These details will not be visible to learners.
1.3) Similar to a Course Unit Page, add all of the problem components that will be included to possibly appear in the randomized content block.
Before you can add randomized content blocks to your course, you must enable the content library tool in Studio.
2.1) Open your desired course > Settings > Advanced Settings
2.2) In the Advanced Module List block ad "library_content"
2.3) Select to save.
3.1) Open the course unit page in which you want to add the randomized content block.
3.2) Select to Add New Component > Advanced > Randomized Content Block
3.3) Select to 'Edit' the component.
3.4) In the editor, specify the details of the content you want to add in this block.
Count: the number of problems to display to each learner
Display Name: the name that you want learners to see for this block
Library: select the library from which you want to draw your problems
Problem Type: From the dropdown list select a specific type of problem to be drawn from the library or select 'Any Type' if you do not want to specify a particular problem type.
Note: If you select 'any type' any text, or video components that you have added in your content library will have the possibility to appear in the 'randomized content block' in place of a problem component.
Grading of Randomized Content Blocks is subject to the grading indicated at subsection level. If the subsection is graded, the randomized content block will be included in the grading.
3.5) Select to save
4.1) To view all the matching components in a randomized content block select 'View' . Here you will see all of the problems in the library that could potentially be provided to a student for this specific Randomized Content Block.
4.2) To preview the Randomized Content Block in Learner View, select to Publish your changes, and select 'View Live'.
4.3) In a live course, to view the components that are assigned to a specific learner from a randomized content block. Select 'View this Course as: Specific Learner, and enter their user name.