Add a Course 'About' Video
When possible, we recommend addin a
Dernière mise à jour
Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?
When possible, we recommend addin a
Dernière mise à jour
Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?
The About page for a course or program includes can also include a short About video.
Note: If you upload both a course image and a course About video, the course image appears on learner dashboards with a play icon superimposed on it. If you upload only a course video, the first frame of the the video file appears with the play icon.
The course About video should excite and entice potential learners to enroll, and reveal some of the personality that the course team brings to the course.
This video should answer these key questions.
Who is teaching the course?
What university or institution is the course affiliated with?
What topics and concepts are covered in your course?
Why should a learner enroll in your course?
This video should deliver your message as concisely as possible and have a run time of less than two minutes.
Upload your course about video to YouTube.
When the file is uploaded, open the video link.
Select to 'Share' the video
Copy the code from the URL. For example, in the image below, the code for my video is ZIvNMvj8lTQ
From MOOCit Studio, in the Settings menu, select Schedule & Details.
Scroll down to the Course Introduction Video section.
In the field below the video box, enter the YouTube video ID that you copied. When you add the code, the video automatically loads in the video box.
When you make changes, a Save Changes option appears at the bottom right of the page. Select Save Changes after you add the course video.
View your course About page to test how the video will appear to learners.