Downloadable Document Button
Add documents such as .zip, .xls, .csv, .ppt, .docx, etc. for learners to download directly from the platform.
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Add documents such as .zip, .xls, .csv, .ppt, .docx, etc. for learners to download directly from the platform.
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Enable learners to download documents using a 'Download Button'.
Download buttons appear as follows in the learner view of your course:
To add download buttons to your course, please follow the steps below:
1) Open the Unit page where you wish to add your document.
2) Select to add a new 'HTML' component.
3) Chose 'Raw HTML'.
4) Select to 'Edit' the component.
5) Remove the template text and replace it with the following code:
6) In a new window, open the 'Files & Uploads' page for your course. *Please make sure it's the same course
7) Add your document(s) here using the drag + drop module on the left of the screen. You can also use the button 'Browse my computer'.
Note, that the maximum file size is 50 mb.
8) Remaining on the Files + Uploads page select 'Studio' to copy the Studio URL for the desired document.
9) Back on the Unit page in the Raw HTML component, replace the href="URL"
with the Studio URL you copied in the previous step. This is the link for learners to download the document.
10) Change the text for the button by replacing "Example Download PDF" with your desired text.
11) Select to save the changes.