Hiding Sections and/or Subsections

In this article we will cover how you can hide sections or subsections from your learners.

Hiding a section or sub-section can be useful in several situations, for example; when your course is started and you want to work on future content without making it visible to learners, or if you simply don't want learners to move ahead in the course before certain achievements or time periods have passed.

You can hide a section / subsection in two ways:

  • Hide using the visibility parameter

  • Hide using 'course release date'

Hide using the visibility parameter

  1. Select the configuration icon of the section or subsection you wish to hide

  2. Select Visibility

  3. Select Hide from learners

  4. Save

Hide using the Course Release Date

  1. Select the configuration icon of the section or subsection you wish to hide

  2. Under 'Basic', enter in a 'Release Date' and 'Time' for which you want your course to become visible to learners.

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