Manage Course Team

This article relates to course team members (staff / admin).

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Course Team Members

To give team members access to Studio, the instructor dashboard in the LMS, and Insights, you must add them to the course team and assign them either a Staff or Admin role.

Staff Role: Course team members who have the Staff role can complete the following tasks:

  • View the course before the course start date.

  • Enroll and unenroll learners.

  • Access and modify grades for individual learners. For example, users with the Staff role can reset an individual learner’s attempt to answer a question.

  • See course HTML errors.

  • Send email messages to course participants.

  • Activate course certificates.

Admin Role: Course team members who have the Admin role can complete all the tasks that team members who have the Staff role can complete. In addition, they can complete the following tasks:

  • Access and modify grades for all learners in a course. For example, users with the Admin role can reset all learners’ attempts to answer a question.

  • Add team members to, and remove them from, the Staff role.

  • Add team members to, and remove them from, the Admin role.

  • Add and remove team members as beta testers.

  • Add team members to, and remove them from, the Discussion Admin or Discussion Moderator role.

All course team members can access content in Studio, the LMS, and Insights, but are not automatically enrolled in the course.

Note: Any member of the course team can delete content created by other team members.

Note: To moderate course discussions, team members must explicitly be added to a discussion moderation role in addition to having the course team Staff or Admin role. For more information, see Assigning Discussion Moderation Roles.

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