Course Creation Form

Guidelines to follow when creating a new course

This is the formula for creating a new course:

Course Organization, Number and Run appear as part of your Course URL:

Course Title: Best Practices

When you determine the title of your course, consider the following guidelines.

  • Use title capitalization and normal spacing and punctuation.

  • Limit the course name to 70 characters. Many of the most effective course titles have 50 or fewer characters.

  • If the course is part of a sequence, create a title that includes both sequence and course information, formatted as “Sequence: Course”.

  • Select a course title that clearly indicates the course subject matter.

  • Make sure the course title follows search engine optimization (SEO) guidelines.

  • Make sure the course title targets a global audience.

Course Title Examples (Open edX)

The following course titles are for stand-alone courses.

  • English Grammar and Essay Writing

  • Front-End Web Developing

  • The Science of Happiness

The following course titles are for courses in a sequence or in a program such as an XSeries.

  • Circuits and Electronics 1: Basic Circuit Analysis

  • Circuits and Electronics 2: Amplification, Speed, and Delay

  • Circuits and Electronics 3: Applications

Course Organization Name

It is important to use the same Organization name every time, as this is a part of the URL which links to your customized LMS (logo, fonts, colours, etc). If you do not use the correct Organization name, you course will appear in the MOOCit General LMS. For questions or concerns about the Organization name, please contact

Course Number and Run Best Practices

Course numbers have the following guidelines.

  • Course numbers can have a maximum of 10 characters.

  • Characters can be letters, numbers, or periods.

  • If a course consists of several modules, the course number can have an ending such as .1x or .2x.

Best Practices:

  • Create a formula to keep your course number and run organized.

  • Use '1' for Course Run for the first time a course is delivered, and augment by 1 each time the course is reran.

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