Add an explanation (Show Answer)

This article explains how to configure the 'Show Answer' feature for Common Problem types.

Show Answer is an optional feature. In the LMS, learners can select Show Answer to view an explanation for a given question. Show Answer can be configured so that it only accessible to learners after certain conditions have been met, such as: attempted question, answered question, etc.

This is how Show Answer appears in Learner View:

Configuration of 'Show Answer'

1) Select to Edit your problem component

2) Select the 💡 'lightbulb icon' to add an 'Explanation' below your question. Then, modify the text ' short explanation '.

3) Open the Settings menu and locate Show Answer to define when the answer will become accessible to your learners.

Show answer available values

  • Always: Show Answer is always visible and accessible

  • Answered: Show Answer button is accessible only if after the question is answered 100% correctly

  • Attempted: Show Answer button is accessible once the learner has submitted at least one attempted answer

  • Closed: Show Answer button is accessible only after all of the answer attempts have been used

  • Finished: Show Answer button is accessible when all attempts have been used or if the question is answered 100% correctly or the Due date has passed (at subsection level)

  • Correct or Past Due: Show Answer button is accessible only if the question is answered 100% correctly or Due date has passed (at subsection level)

  • Past Due: Show Answer button is accessible only after the Due date has passed (at subsection level)

  • Never: Show Answer button is never accessible

Note: You need to View course as > Learner to test these different behaviours.

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