Pointing on a Picture Question

Add a background image, and have your learners click inside a defined area to select the answer.

Use the question type 'Image Select' / also known as "image mapped input problem" or “pointing on a picture” to get your learners to find an answer within an image.

This exercise is fun and interactive for your learners, but can be a little more complicated to set-up than the others, so fasten your seatbelt 🏎️ and grab your coffee ☕ ! Follow the instructions below closely, and don't hesitate to contact us (support@moocit.fr) if you need help. 😊

Set-up Image Select Question

  1. Choose the image you want to use, and make sure it is relatively large, and high quality.

  2. Add your image to Studio > Content > Files and Uploads

3. Copy the web URL for your desired background image.

4. In a new tab, open up the Unit where you want to add your question.

5. Select to add a new Problem Component > Advanced > Image Mapped Input

6. The component will appear with a template already in place. Select to 'Edit' the component.

7. You will see the following code for the exercise:

        <p>What country is home to the Great Pyramid of Giza as well as the cities of Cairo and Memphis? Click the country on the map below.</p>
        <imageinput src="https://studio.edx.org/c4x/edX/DemoX/asset/Africa.png" width="600" height="638" rectangle="(338,98)-(412,168)" alt="Map of Africa"/>
            <div class="detailed-solution">
                <p>Egypt is home to not only the Pyramids, Cairo, and Memphis, but also the Sphinx and the ancient Royal Library of Alexandria.</p>

8. On line 4 between <p> and </p>, modify your question text.

9. On line 5, replace the URL that appears after <imageinput src="to the URL of your image (copied in step 3). Keep the " " before and after the URL.

10. Also on line 5, you must change the width (width="600") and height (height="638") to that of your image. Ideally, your image width should not exceed 950 pixels.

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