SCORM file

Update of the original Scorm component.

Step one: add the SCORM module to your course.

From Studio Home, open the desired course. In Settings > Advanced settings > List of advanced modules add "scorm"

Select to save your changes.

Step two: add a SCORM component to the unit page.

Next, open the unit where you want to add your SCORM file. Select to add a new component > Advanced > SCORM Module

Step Three: Upload and Set Your SCORM File Settings

Select to edit the SCORM component.

Add your SCORM file. You can also change the parameters of your SCORM component such as weight (grade).

Save your changes.

Step 4: Publish and view in LMS.

When you save the changes you will probably see a 404 message. Don't worry, the backend (Studio) is not suitable for displaying SCORM files.

Instead, choose to "Publish" your changes. Then select “View Live”. From here you can view and test your SCORM in the LMS (Learner View).

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